Did you know there is a ‘market concentration bias’ on social media?
Our algorithms are setup so we get served more of similar content.
We see more people ‘like us’ becuase that’s what were interested in and that’s what we engage in.
So automatically, because my feeds are filled with ‘people like me’, it’s easy to assume everyone else is being bombarded by the same types of offers that I have.
If I’m a mortgage banker, my feed is probably filled with mortgage people, AE’s, software programs, etc all directed towards mortgage people.
If I’m a coach, my feeds are filled with other online coaches and people trying to sell stuff to them.
This is an important thing to consider.
Because it can lead us to thinking things like….
“My market is over saturated”
“I’m swimming in a red ocean”
“Who would pay attention to me when all these other people are all over the place on social”
“I can’t compete”
But… Here’s what to keep in mind.
Your feed is not their feed.
Each person has a unique experience across social media, and while your feed may be filled with people in your industry, theirs is not.