When looking at the ROI of your social media presence, you have to mind the aspect of your invisible funnel.
The invisible funnel is the answer to the question, “What happens when I google this person, what shows up?”
That’s where your website matters.
That’s where your LinkedIn matters.
That’s where your IG matters.
Lets say you’re a mortgage banker, and you get my contact information as a ‘lead’ from wherever, we talk and it all sounds good but I decide to do my due diligence and search your name…. what shows up?
Or I guess the real question is…. are you showing up?
If I can’t find you, I’ll have a hard time trusting you.
If I do find you, and nothing about your profile says anything about mortgages, it’s just cat videos or political jargon, I’m going to have an even harder time trusting you.
The personal brand is and always will be your most valuable asset. Nobody can take it from you and it goes with you everywhere.
The question is, does it communicate trust? Does it communicate what you do? Does it say ‘I’ll show up and be here’?